
  • Emotional manipulation reflects the tendency to strategically influence others’ emotions in order to obtain a desired outcome. (Rachel Grieve)


  • Pathological laughing and crying is a dramatic disorder of emotional

expression caused by neurological disease is characterized by uncontrollable outbursts of laughing and/or

crying that are usually described as inconsistent with the emotions

the patient feels (Olney, 2011, p2)


  • The central sound feature of laughter is aspiration /h/. It is teh reiteration of this sound or its combination with a limited range of others, that enble us to identify an utterance as laughter
  • The laughters consonants may be accompanied by any kind of vowels. These vowel are subject to modulation of lenght , pitch and stress.
  • The physiology of the laughter: The body starts with movement of the mouth and the muscles of the throat to produce rhytmic vocalizations, and tehn to expand and include the face and the eyes, and finally whole body. there is quickened breathing, respiration and heart action and sometimes lacrimation.
  • Laughter is individually patterned and indentified by familiar people.
  • Different duration, different level of amusement.
  • Truly intense laughter is distinguished by loudness.
  • Laughter is a mode od social expression.
  • The laughter utterance is multiple -track statement, more akin to music than the speech and its structure is elusive.
  • Laughter is a signal of individuality.
  • The phonetic pattern of laughter enable us to express perosnal feelings and their intensity loudly and in a crowd

(Edmoson, 1987)-


A big mystery: Why do we laugh?

By Robert Provine, Ph.D. (

  • we born with the ccapacity to laugh
  • It occurs unconsciously
  • Laughter provides powerful, uncensored insights into our unconscious
  • When we laugh, we alter our facial expressions and make sounds. During exuberant laughter, the muscles of the arms, legs and trunk are involved. Laughter also requires modification in our pattern of breathing.
  • Laughter is social and contagious
  • We laugh at the sound of laughter itself.
  • Laughter, like crying, is a way for a preverbal infant to interact with the mother and other caregivers.
  • Laughter seldom interrupts the sentence structure of speech.
  • Ape laughter: the root of human laughter.
  • Rats, for example, produce high-pitch vocalizations during play and when tickled.


  • Laughter is physiologically spasmodic, rhythmic, vocalized, expiratory, and
    (when due to tickling) involuntary.
  • crying, laughing, and gasping in pain are considered as a natural class, the odd
    element in the group would seem to be laughter, since it is pleasant, while
    crying and gasping in pain are not. However, in the present theory, as opposed
    to other theories, laughter contains an element of emotional pain, namely the V
    interpretation, that something one cares about has been violated. This ties
    laughter together with crying and gasping in pain, in a way that theories of
    laughter and humor which do not include some element analogous to pain will fail
    to capture. (Tom Veach, 1999)


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